By working together we do more. 

I am proud to work with these folks who are committed, ethical and well, awesome.


Coaching Collaboration

Working in collaboration with my tall friend and fellow coach, Lexie Bebbington, we've helped hundreds of clients create happier, more focused, calmer, richer, more fulfilled lives. Together, we are joining forces to offer more of that through workshops and online courses. 

F45 Training

Team training. Life changing! The team mentality at F45 Training helps members transform their lifestyle physically and mentally while encouraging community growth and a no-ego attitude. I am a super fan of this healthy and positive place that keeps me sane physically and mentally!

I offer special rate packages to F45 Cambridge Station members.

Used in local communities and in the workplace, these unique workshops are fun and practical, using original materials created by Nina Grunfeld and drawing on her experience as a bestselling self-help author, columnist and professional coach.

Working with Life Clubs, we run bespoke workshops to suit any workplace or group looking to help make connection, change or approach a new way of thinking and working

Become a Partner

Work with me!  Let me come run a workshop for you. Or let's team together to create new projects! Or link up for discounts!

“You will learn a lot about yourself if you stretch in the direction of goodness, of bigness, of kindness, of forgiveness, of emotional bravery. Be a warrior for love.”
— ― Cheryl Strayed, Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar